Silverware, also known as Flatware, is wonderful to bend and shape and stamp. What was once an ordinary item on your table can be transformed into amazing home decor. Actually, many items can be made from flatware including lights, garden markers, jewelry and more. This article will focus on home decor, with more articles to come on other items.
Why would someone want to do this? Aside from creating lovely pieces of art, we can take something that was once treasured by older family members, and create something that will treasured by younger family members, and future generations to come.
One of the most prolific flatware decor items is lights of all shapes and sizes.
Lamp shades, spoon curtains, desk lamps are all creative applications of bending, cutting and forming silverware.
Or, for the more industrious and eclectic, perhaps a spoondelier?
Wall Art 
Using family heirloom flatware pieces to create a lovely piece of artwork for the wall will create pieces that will be cherished.
Using the handles of knives to create a cross is an easy creation; use a piece of family jewelry to cover the intersection and family history lives on.
Photo Tree
Combine a wooden base (available at craft stores), some multi-purpose utility wire, and several forks to create this pretty photo display. Personalize it further by decorating it with beads, thread, and scrapbook paper.
Candle Holders and Hooks
Spoons and forks make lovely candleholders, wall hooks, and pull handles.
For a rustic look, attach an old ladle to a board and place a candle in the base.
Bend a fork for a great key holder or hook. The possibilities are endless.
What do you like? Please leave a comment for ideas and inspiration.
If you need silverware with which to create, we have an ever changing inventory. Stop by and sit a spell with us.
More to come in our series on Creating with Flatware! Just imagine all the possibilities!
I love all of these ideas Robin, especially the photo tree! The most I have done with a spoon is hang it on my nose! This would be a fun creative project with grandchildren! Thanks!
Spoon on the nose gave me a good laugh. The photo tree seems to be a hit, and would not be hard to create. Love the idea of creating with grandkids.
These are so cute! I love the functionality of these, like the photo tree and candle holder.
Glad you enjoyed the items, and love that you see the functionality. Love that we can repurpose into useful things.
Great tips for how flatware can be used. I love your articles.
Thanks for the kinds words, and glad you enjoyed the article.
Wonderful ideas, Robin and of course I love the idea of taking something that was treasured and transforming it into a new treasure. The little candle holder is so sweet and flatware is perfect for creating beautiful hooks.
So love that you like the idea of transforming old stuff into useful items. Love that a child can hold a piece of a family treasure and create something they will treasure.
Oh, how cute. I just love the lampshade and chandelier! How cute is that!
The chandelier (spoondelier) is amazing! I can only imagine how long it took to craft one.
So sweet – I love the candle holder idea – and the chandelier is stunning! Really appreciate the idea of up-cycling, too!
Thanks for the kind words. Glad you appreciate the up-cycling. I love it when we can take a treasure from the past and create a new treasure.
Love all of these ideas and especially the lamp shade and the photo tree! As someone who stands for recycling and up cycling, I love the idea of taking something that has treasured memories and creating something new from it! Wonderful and inventive ideas, Robin!
Beverley, I appreciate your words. I can’t say it better than you said – create something new from treasured memories. I only hope that in years to come, those treasures will continue to be treasured.
Wow. Great ideas. My fav is the candle holder. Love it💕💕
Thanks for the kind words. I do love all the creative ideas for flatware.
I really like the candle holders. Making wind chimes came to mind too….
Candle Holders are popular, and wind chimes would be awesome!
I like that ladle repurposed as a candle holder. How clever!
I just love how clever folks are in creating all the repurposed items.
Now, there’s a chandelier I would love to have. I think dinner guests would leave not remembering what they ate but couldn’t stop talking about the chandelier to everyone they know.
Totally agree! I have seen some amazing creations with flatware, but the spoondelier is one of the most amazing.